Update Jan. 19: The city has reissued its decision on the project, making it more specific with regard to issues of soil remediation. You can read the full decision here.
Earlier: The proposed development at 6010 Phinney Ave. N. has hit a new snag. The Department of Planning and Development had previously issued a Master Use Permit for the project, but then withdrew that decision after questions about soil remediation on the site.
The project would demolish the one-story building now housing Chef Liao, Phinney Ridge Cleaners, Daily Planet Antiques and the former Roosters Breakfast Club, and replace it with a four-story mixed-use building with 19 residential units, 2,708 square feet of commercial space, and below-grade parking for 23 vehicles.
We’ve got a message in to DPD for more specifics. We’ll update this post when we know more.
DPD Planner Shelley Bolser tells us that the city withdrew its decision and is drafting a new one because it wanted to be more clear about the Washington State Department of Ecology’s role in soil cleanup.
“We…wanted to make sure that we had properly described any of the soil contamination impacts,” Bolser said. “The Washington State Department of Ecology is actually the entity that reviews soil contamination and any cleanup program. So the applicant has applied with that state agency to go through their voluntary cleanup program. We also added a condition that prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant will need to show the city proof of whatever Ecology has approved for a cleanup plan.”