Development plans for the building currently housing Chef Liao, Daily Planet Antiques and Phinney Ridge Cleaners, are moving forward. The City of Seattle has conditionally approved the land use application to demolish the one-story building at 6010 Phinney Ave. N., and construct a four-story mixed use building with below-grade parking.
This photo was taken two years ago, when the project was in the middle of public meetings, and Roosters Breakfast Club was still open.
The project includes 2,708 square feet of ground level commercial space, 19 residential units, and parking for 23 vehicles. Vehicle access to the parking garage will be on North 61st Street. The site is zoned Neighborhood Commercial with a height limit of 40 feet.
The development has been in the works for some time. The first Early Design Guidance Meeting was on Oct. 8, 2007. An Initial Recommendation Meeting was held on Feb. 23, 2009, and a Final Recommendation Meeting was on Sept. 14, 2009.
After extensive public comments about possible soil contamination at the site, a geotechnical sampling in 2009 confirmed the contamination. According to the city, the developer has entered the Voluntary Cleanup Program with the Washington State Department of Ecology.
Appeals of the city’s decision must be received by Jan. 3, 2012.