The volunteer group Vision Greenwood Park has just won a Seattle Parks and Recreation Denny Award for Outstanding Volunteer Stewardship.
The group has spent several years working to improve Greenwood Park. Their latest project is the new Community Garden, which is almost completed. VGP won the Community Stewardship Award.
“It is always difficult for us to choose winners,” Acting Superintendent Christopher Williams said in a press release. “All of our volunteers make valuable contributions for which we are deeply grateful. Our intention is to single out those who whose work builds community, inspires others, and improves lives.”
From the press release:
Vision Greenwood came together in 2008 with the idea to develop and expand Greenwood Park. Since that time, they have energetically pursued a vision of Greenwood Park that serves more of the community. In addition to putting in more than 1,000 hours of volunteer service, they have applied for and received more than $180,000 in grants; and have raised $18,000 through community fundraising and events. With the monies raised so far, they have designed and constructed a 40-plot P-Patch, and installed an art wall featuring sculptures along the street in a creative move that links the historical Interurban trolley line with the current bike route.
Winners will be recognized at an awards ceremony on Nov. 29. Congratulations to Vision Greenwood Park!