Kim wrote to us about a possible burglar who tried really hard to make it look like she belonged at the second-floor apartment in Phinney Ridge:
I live…on the second floor, when i got home from work i noticed that my window screen was removed and sitting inside my screen door. I keep my window cracked for my cats with a bar in the window and it was that screen. i asked my neighbor if he put it there and he said no but around noon today he went outside to smoke after hearing some voices. There was an african american woman sitting on my porch chair with my screen door open. He said hi and she said she was waiting on someone to get home. He said she was or acted like she was on the phone and said “oh yeah no ones here”. She asked my neighbor who was still outside for something to write a note on, he gave her something. She acted like she left me a note and left. there was no note for me in the door. We think she might of tried the window, failed and was trying to pick the lock.
Has anyone else had a similar experience?