Have you seen any homeless encampments in the neighborhood?

by | Jun 1, 2011

The Union Gospel Mission runs a “Search and Rescue” team that goes out into the streets to provide food, clothing, blankets and hygiene supplies to homeless people throughout the city, in addition to offering them a ride to a shelter.
Timothy Tetrault, UGM’s Search and Rescue Coordinator, contacted us to see if we knew of any homeless encampments in our area.

We run Search and Rescue weeknights from roughly 7:30pm-11pm. Hot chocolate, sandwiches, blankets, and socks are the most popular items that we give out when we meet homeless people out on the street, and occasionally we bring back people when they are willing. If the temperature is below freezing we go out every night and try to hit as many neighborhoods as we can.

We don’t know of any homeless encampments in Phinney Ridge-Greenwood, but if any of our readers do, please leave a note in comments so we can forward that information to Union Gospel Mission.

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