Greenwood Elementary in 4th place of national contest to eat and plant veggies

by | May 3, 2011

Annie’s Homegrown organic food company is sponsoring a nationwide contest to get kids eating their veggies, and the school with the most people pledging to eat and plant veggies could win a school garden. PhinneyWood reader Julie tells us that Greenwood Elementary School is currently in fourth place.
The Root 4 Kids contest runs through May 31.
From the contest website:

Enter the name of the school you’d like to see win the grand prize in the designated “School Name” field. While you’re at it, tell us how many kids you commit to helping dig or plant a new veggie this year (e.g. two of your own kids, a classroom of 30 kids, or a school of 800).
Note: Each unique form submitted (not number of kids entered) counts as one sign up for the designated school.
Already signed up for Root 4 Kids, but want to participate in the contest?
You can still help your school win simply by committing to help even MORE kids in your life dig or plant new veggies. Visit this link, enter your additional number and the name of the school you’d like to see win the grand prize.

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