Five Phinney Ridge houses on Green Home Tour

by | Mar 23, 2011

The Northwest EcoBuilding Guild is hosting the Seattle Green Home Tour on April 16-17, including five Phinney Ridge homes. Homes on the tour highlight various green building, remodeling and retrofitting techniques, such as Net Zero Energy use, Passive House standards of super energy-efficient construction, and where to purchase eco-friendly products.
Phinney homes include:

  • Dayton Ave Project
  • Centennial House
  • Phinney Retreat
  • Urban Sustainability: On the Road to Net Zero
  • McTrax Cottage

The Mini-B Passive House, currently on display at the Phinney Neighborhood Center, is also on the tour.
The free Seattle Green Home Tour is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on April 16-17.
(The Green Home Tour is a PhinneyWood sponsor.)

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