Aging & Disability Services asks community input for new plan

by | Mar 23, 2011

King County’s Aging and Disability Services (ADS) wants community input for its new Area Plan on Aging, which will guide its work from 2012-2015.
ADS is a division of the Seattle Human Services Department, and works with King County and United Way to improve the health and quality of life for seniors and adults with disabilities, connect them with resources, and provide support to caregivers.
ADS wants residents of any age to complete an online questionnaire.

We especially encourage people who are age 60 or older, adults with disabilities, and family caregivers to respond.
Responses from this questionnaire will inform development of strategies to promote quality of life, independence and choice for older people and adults with disabilities, which will be carried out over the next four years.
Everybody is aging, so everybody should care.

For more information about the Area Plan on Aging, contact ADS planner Karen Winston at 206-684-0706.

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