Rep. Carlyle asks teens to serve as legislative pages

by | Dec 13, 2010

When the state legislature convenes in January, lawmakers will need plenty of help. Rep. Reuven Carlyle is encouraging local teens to apply to become a House page for one week, which will give them an inside look at government.

Pages do a variety of tasks, including passing out copies of amendments, presenting ceremonial flags, and delivering notes to lawmakers on the House floor.
Carlyle himself got his start in state government by serving in the state House’s page program. He also served as a page in Congress for former Washington Senators Warren Magnuson and Henry Jackson.
“It’s a great honor to have outstanding youth from around the state come to Olympia and get involved,” said Carlyle, D-Seattle. “Walking on the floor as the House debates important issues, like education funding and graduation requirements, is an experience pages won’t forget. These youth will become our next generation of leaders and lawmakers.”

Students must be between 14 and 16, and have permission from a parent or guardian, as well as permission from their school. Pages are paid $35 per day. Housing and transportation are the page’s responsibility, but the House will provide a list of private housing options in Olympia.
Interested students should contact Rep. Reuven Carlyle’s office for more information: (206) 216-3184 or [email protected]. The 2011 legislative session runs Jan. 10 through April 24.

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