Still spots available for salmon steward training

by | Oct 13, 2010

There’s still time to register for Saturday’s Salmon Steward training at Carkeek Park. Salmon stewards are volunteers who teach park visitors about spawning salmon.

Each weekend throughout November and December, Carkeek Park receives approximately 500 visitors hoping to catch a glimpse of the annual Piper’s Creek’s chum salmon run. This return of up to 600 spawning salmon provides our park a unique opportunity to inform our community about all things salmon, but we can’t do it alone.
Come to this Saturday’s Salmon Steward training and learn the answers to your wildest salmon questions: What do they eat? How many stages are there in their lifecycle? What do they do during each stage? What are the names of the 5 species of Pacific salmon? And what can we do, no matter where we live in Seattle, to be the best neighbors possible?

You’re aked to bring a bag lunch, notebook, pen, and your calendar to sign up for four, 3-hour docent shifts in late fall. School service learning credit is available. Advanced registration is required. Call 206-386-9154 or email [email protected] to sign up.

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