Introducing deals from North Seattle neighborhoods

by | Oct 5, 2010

There are a lot of coupon and deals sites popping up in Seattle, but they’re mostly run by out-of-town businesses and focused on the entire metro area. After hearing some ideas from local businesses, we’re happy to introduce North Seattle Guide, a new site powered by our network of neighborhood blogs that offers deals right here at home, from the Space Needle to Northgate Mall.
North Seattle Guide features printable and shareable discounts that don’t cost you a penny. They originate from our neighborhood sponsors, who can post deals for no additional charge (see details). This is a big departure from many other sites, which keep a big cut of the revenue and sent it to their corporate offices in Chicago, San Francisco or New York.
Our hope is these deals will help encourage everyone to shop here in North Seattle, especially as we near the holiday season. Visit, or get deals via Facebook (below), Twitter or email.

We only have a few deals to start, but please be patient — more are coming soon. And thank you for shopping local!

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