People For Puget Sound is giving free urban watershed walking tours to explain the threat that polluted runoff poses to Puget Sound – and what you can do to help.
Experts will lead the Carkeek tour from 1-4 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 26. (If you can’t make that one, they’re also offering a tour at 1 p.m. on Sept. 18 beginning at the High Point Branch Library, 3411 S.W. Raymond St.; see examples of low-impact development and how polluted runoff affects Longfellow Creek.)
The Carkeek tour starts at the beach at the Carkeek Park Environmental Center, 950 NW Carkeek Park Road, and includes the SEA Street Project, which uses rain gardens to combat runoff pollution into Piper’s Creek.
“When it rains, water flows off our roofs, down our street and across our parking lots carrying pollutants to the Sound,” said tour organizer John Conway of People For Puget Sound. “Join us for this fascinating tour and learn from the experts what you can do to help address this problem.”
The tours are free, but please RSVP to [email protected] or call 206-382-7007.