Help design a sensory garden at the zoo

by | Sep 16, 2010

A group of volunteers is working on creating a “sensory garden” next to the rose garden at Woodland Park Zoo, and they need your help.

What is a Sensory Garden? Come help us figure that out. We’re creating a garden to engage all the senses to be enjoyed by everyone regardless of physical limitations. We want you to come to our “pie in the sky session” and help us envision a Sensory Garden.
Thanks to volunteers from the neighborhoods, the City of Seattle’s Neighborhood Matching Fund and Lions Clubs in the Greater Seattle area…What would help you fully enjoy this space – through seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling.

The meeting is from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Wed., Sept. 29, at the zoo’s Educational Resource Center, North 50th Street and Fremont Avenue North.
For more information, email Briar Bates.

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