Libraries close for one week beginning Monday

by | Aug 23, 2010

This is the last week to get things done at the library before budget cuts force the entire library system to shut down until after Labor Day. The Greenwood Library at 8016 Greenwood Ave. N. and all other Seattle Public Libraries will close on Monday, Aug. 30 and reopen Tuesday, Sept. 7.
During the closure most library services will be unavailable:
* No materials will be due and no fines will be accrued.
* The last day to check out Library items before the closure is Sunday, Aug. 29. (Not all library branches are open on Sunday, but the Greenwood Library is.)
* No book drops will be open. Do not leave books and materials outside Library locations during the closure. Book drops at branches that are open on Sundays will close at 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 29 and reopen at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 7.
* Limited access to the online catalog. Patrons will be able to search the catalog and check their Library record but will not be able to place holds on items. No staff will be working to process the thousands of books and materials that customers normally put on hold.
* Limited access to the website ( The online calendar, databases, downloadable books and media, digital special collections, podcasts, SPL Mobile app and blogs will be available, but other online information and features will not be available. No staff members will be working to maintain the site or troubleshoot problems.
* No Library computers will be available. You will not be able to reserve a computer for the week the Library system is closed.
* No access to Wi-Fi.
* No book group kits will be sent, received or returned during the one-week closure. Kits will be sent to libraries as usual on the last Wednesday of the month, Aug. 25. Kits not available then will be sent as soon as possible after Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 6.
* No programs or events in Library meeting rooms.
* No TeleCirc, the Library’s telephone circulation service.
* No Quick Information telephone service.
* No Text a Librarian, e-mail a librarian or chat with a librarian.
* No Mobile Services.
* No parking in Library garages.

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