On Sunday, the Gumshoe 5K Walk wrapped up its 10-day run of amateur sleuths following clues around the neighborhood. The 5th annual Gumshoe raised more than $3,700 for the Greenwood Senior Center.
Participants who turned in their entry forms with correct answers to the clues were entered into a random drawing for three gift cards to Fred Meyer, in the amounts of $250, $150 and $100. One lucky winner received $25 gift certificates to each of nine neighborhood restaurants, by correctly identifying each restaurant from a photo of a tiny portion of their signs, for the Gumshoe’s Eatsy Street Game. And another 30 people won various prizes for playing the Mini Gumshoe Contest inside local businesses. (See the website for winners.)
Gumshoe coordinator Mike Veitenhans says he will ask participating Gumshoe business owners to help determine next year’s non-profit beneficiary.