Now that the Seattle School District is going back to a neighborhood school plan, the School Board and Seattle City Council are teaming up to explain to parents the basics of planning for local schools.
The “Healthy neighborhoods, healthy schools” planning primer is from 6-8 p.m. tonight at Eckstein Middle School, 3003 NE 75th St, Seattle 98115.
Have you ever wondered what role urban planning plays in neighborhood and student success? Or, to what extent governments – like the city and the school district – plan and collaborate to anticipate growth in neighborhoods?
Join Councilmember Sally J. Clark, School Board Member Peter Maier and other members of the Seattle City Council and the Seattle School Board for a special community meeting intended to demystify regional, local and school district planning for quality neighborhoods and schools.
This special meeting will include a “Planning 101” primer explaining how neighborhoods, the City and the region anticipate, prepare and respond to growing and changing populations, followed by questions from the audience for planning staff, councilmembers and school board directors.
Council meetings are cablecast live on Seattle Channel 21 and Webcast live on the City Council’s website.