Getting to Golden Gardens on the Burke Gilman Trail takes you through the dangerous, unfinished stretch which runs through Ballard — called the “missing link” — which has long been a hot-button issue with bicyclists, drivers and businesses in the area.
King County Superior Court Judge Jim Rogers is expected to issue his opinion Friday on a lawsuit filed against the city by a coalition of Ballard industrial businesses, associations and the Ballard Chamber of Commerce. The lawsuit alleges that an environmental review conducted by the city to determine the impact of a completed trail did not take businesses into account.
With the ruling right around the corner, we’ve posted an in-depth look at the missing link, from an interactive tour to one bicyclist’s account of an accident there. The multimedia story is the product of an innovative partnership with the nonprofit Common Language Project and students of University of Washington’s Entrepreneurial Journalism class.
Click here to read “A look at the missing link.”