Help bring sidewalks to Greenwood

by | Apr 12, 2010

Neighbors have long lamented the lack of sidewalks on many Greenwood streets north of 85th Street. But, a number of people have been working on this issue for a long time and it’s starting to pay off.
The “Greenwood Sidewalks” Neighborhood Matching Fund project is getting underway, and the group working on it needs more volunteers to make it happen. The project includes not just sidewalks, but drainage, planted buffers, etc.

Hello to Neighborhood Professionals – Web-related / Creative, Architects, Landscape Architects, Engineers, Designers & Artists, Marketing, PR, Advertising, Video, Communications.
Right now, there are certain areas of the project we need your assistance with to make our match and keep the project on schedule. These areas correspond to a consultant or consultant team that is in place to work on these parts of the project.
1. GIS mapping work and fieldwork/ground truthing will result in an appendix to the interactive web document with every block mapped (either interactive or constructed of various overlays) so that blocks can have a tool to begin thinking about and sketching out ideas for their own streetscapes.
2. Design/Engineering work to supplement both the effort toward schematic designs for typical conditions in the study area as well as specifics for blocks where pilot projects will be planned & designed. As a community we will figure out the possible locations for those based on relevance of the location to areas of highest pedestrian demand as well as readiness of the block to organize and move forward.
3. Outreach, Public Meeting Organization, Block Captain/Proxy Block Captain Coordination.
4. Communications in general and graphic design/simple video production for communication pieces.
5. Web document and graphics design for the interactive web document.
We are forming subcommittee work groups to work with the specific consultants in these areas right now. Please jump on board because as Rene Senos, landscape architect and “Greenwood Sidewalks” project manager says – the train has left the station. Woo Hoo!
Email Kate Martin with your availability, skills, and contact information.

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