Pluto protest at Greenwood Space Travel Saturday

by | Mar 8, 2010

If you’re one of the many people who hated that Pluto was demoted from its planet status back in 2006, you’ve got a friend in the Greenwood Space Travel Supply Co. And, once again, the store is organizing a protest and rally to support bringing Pluto back into the planetary fold from its current “dwarf planet” classification.

A horrible injustice has occurred! Concerned citizens, aghast astronomers, intrepid interstellar adventurers, and other luminaries have joined forces to protest one of the darkest days in recent solar system history. Pluto—the smallest and most distant planet—has been removed from the planetary pantheon.
We refuse to bow to this outrageous decree, and declare: PLUTO IS A PLANET.

So join other outraged folks at 1 p.m. Saturday at the store at 8414 Greenwood Ave. N., and bring your signs and Pluto chants. The march moves north to 87th Street, then back to Neptune Coffee on the other side of the street, at 8415 Greenwood Ave. N.

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