Parent watches drug deal on front lawn

by | Feb 22, 2010

Here’s an outrageous story of a drug deal in broad daylight in Ballard/Whittier Heights on Sunday.

I live at 75th and 17th. This morning around 11:00, I was walking my dog and 3 year old. When we approached our house, there was an SUV parked in front; one guy was standing on our lawn, spitting and looking around. The other guy in the car was talking at us in a weird, derogatory way (“nice kid, nice dog”).
I got my daughter and dog inside without acknowledging them. I then watched them through my living room window. 10 minutes later, another car approached, the guy from the first car who had been on our lawn went up to the passenger side and there was an exchange. The second car sped off and he ran back to the SUV and they left.
Right in the middle of a sunny Sunday at lunchtime.
I took down the license plate of the SUV and called 911. Since I never see any police in this neighborhood, I have no faith they will do anything. I am outraged and would ask MyBallard/Phinneywood to publish this license plate number as a public service to the community. 337 M** (Editors Note: We are not showing the final two letters, because we can’t publish full license plate numbers as that opens us up to liability for defamation.)
I don’t know why so many here are so passive about the crime elements that comfortably go about their business in these parts with no fear of reprisal from law enforcement or otherwise. I’m really sick of it.

Phinney and Greenwood residents have frequently reported similar incidents – though not as egregious as someone actually standing on their front lawn while conducting criminal business. The general concensus from readers has been to call the police, and get the license plate and other descriptive information. While the police will probably not show up, having a report will let the police better track problem areas over time.

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