A Seattle city street crew is installing rubber “speed cushions” on NW 73rd Street today. This one is going in just east of 2nd Avenue NW.
A second row of cushions will go in a couple blocks to the east. The crew will be back Monday to complete the job, because some homeowners apparently didn’t know about the work and didn’t move their cars.
At some later date a concrete traffic island will also be installed at the intersection with 1st Avenue NW.
According to the city’s Web site, speed cushions are used on arterial streets and non-arterial streets commonly used by emergency vehicles which have a wider wheelbase that can straddle the humps. This stretch of 73rd is commonly used by nearby Fire Station 21.
A group of street residents have been lobbying the city for some time for traffic calming measures to slow the speed of traffic on North and Northwest 73rd between Greenwood Avenue and 3rd Avenue NW.