Just a reminder that you can help plan a new park somewhere in Greenwood-Phinney. The Seattle Parks Department will meet with neighborhood folks from 6-7:45 p.m. next Monday, Nov. 2, at the Greenwood Library.
If you know of a spot in the neighborhood that would make a great park, then this is your chance to be heard. Funds for this new potential park are coming from the 2008 Parks & Green Spaces Levy. Here’s the Parks Department’s acquisition criteria, to help you find a suitable site.
- Site location within or adjoining the Urban Village
- Minimum area = approximately 10,000 square feet (about 1/4 acre)
- Frontage on key pedestrian routes
- Flat terrain or gentle slope to facilitate ADA accessibility and uses such as short-term sitting and picnics, as well as to minimize site development costs
- Sun orientation and avoidance of shading from existing or future Midrise buildings (i.e., location on SW or SE corner of block preferred)
- Location adjoining existing and/or immediate future uses that will generate appropriate park uses and provide “eyes on the street” to deter inappropriate uses – both for as much of the day as possible
- Willing sellers
- “Underutilized” sites without existing uses or structures that contribute significantly to property value or to demolition costs; i.e., vacant properties or properties with “tear-down” buildings
- Properties with no or minimal relocation costs; i.e., vacant properties or those with fewer tenants
- Absence of development permit activity or development very early in process
- Minimal remediation costs for hazardous materials