Signs of Halloween, trick-or-treating coming up

by | Oct 13, 2009

Halloween is coming up in a few weeks, and neighborhood houses are starting to show some creative decorations. Mike sent us these pix that he snapped around the ‘hood. This “graveyard” is in the 6100 block of Greenwood Avenue North:

Here’s a ghostly apparition in the 6700 block of Palatine Avenue North:

Here’s the “holiday tree” at North 65th and Palatine Avenue North:

And my perennial favorite, the wayward witch on the corner of NW 70th St. and 2nd Ave. NW.:

Speaking of Halloween, bring your little ghosts and goblins up to the top of the ridge for the annual Safe Trick-or-Treat at businesses along Greenwood Avenue from 12-3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 31. Participating businesses will have big orange posters in their windows.
Here are some of our favorite scenes from last year’s trick-or-treating. That’s Frankenstein in front of the 74th Street Alehouse:

The bubble-popping hordes in front of Rub a Dub Do-It-Yourself Dog Wash:

And this wildly decorated stroller:

Send us your favorite Halloween decoration or trick-or-treating pictures!

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