City Fruit harvests 4,000 pounds of fruit in Phinney/Greenwood

by | Sep 23, 2009

City Fruit just sent us an update on their harvesting of extra fruit from neighborhood trees to donate to local food banks and senior centers. This season, volunteers with their Phinney harvest program harvested more than 4,000 pounds of fruit.

Thank you to all the fruit tree owners who donated fruit, and to all the wonderful volunteers who harvested the 4,000 pounds of fruit and took it to food banks, senior centers and low income childcare centers in Phinney and Greenwood.

City Fruit is also holding a canning class at the Greenwood Senior Center from 2:30-5 p.m. on Oct. 11. The cost is $25.

Participants will learn how to make jam using Italian prune plums. Each participant will go home with at least a jar of plum jam prepared during the class. Plums, jars and all other supplies are provided. All proceeds from the entrance fee will go toward funding the future of the Phinney harvest. Please contact Jen Mullen at [email protected] to reserve your spot. We can accommodate a maximum of ten people.

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