Woodland Park Zoo announces its Fall Fecal Fest, when local gardeners go crazy for animal waste to fertilize their gardens. Here’s a pile of the steaming Zoo Doo, as it’s called (photo by Ryan Hawk, WPZ):
Because of contaminants found in earlier piles (it’s since been given a clean, ahem, bill of health), there’s less Zoo Doo this fall than usual, so the usual lottery process will be even more competitive.
You can also buy Bedspread, a composted mulch made from the manures and bedding of the zoo’s non-primate herbivores.
Bedspread is like Zoo Doo but contains higher amounts of wood chips and sawdust. It is excellent fertile mulch for perennial beds and woody landscapes such as native gardens, rose beds, shrubs, tree rings or pathways, and is an ideal mulch and soil builder for Northwest gardens.
If you want the chance to purchase Zoo Doo or Bedspread, send a postcard from Sept. 11-25 to: Zoo Doo, Woodland Park Zoo, 601 N. 59th St., Seattle, WA 98103. Include the following information: name, day/evening phone numbers, whether you’d prefer Zoo Doo or Bedspread; how much you’d like to buy (anything from a garbage bag to a full-size pick-up truck load); and whether you prefer weekday or weekend pick-up. (Only one postcard per person allowed.)
Postcards will be randomly selected and Dr. Doo will contact only the lucky winners. Pick-up dates are Oct. 9-25. You’ll have to load the compost yourself, but the zoo will provide shovels.
Cost for either Zoo Doo or Bedspread:
- Pick-up truck 8×4 bed: $60
- 6×4 bed: $45
- 6×3 bed: $35
- Garbage cans: $8 to $10
- Bags: $4 to $6 depending on size.
- Two-gallon and pint-sized buckets are available in the ZooStore for $14.95 and $4.95, respectively.
For more information, call the poop line at 206-625-POOP or visit the zoo’s website.