For sale: Poetry

by | Aug 29, 2009

We were tickled by the entrepreneurial spirit of Meredith Clark who set up a manual typewriter and a simple “Poetry Store” sign at the Phinney Farmers Market on Friday.

People would give her a theme. She’d ask a few questions, ponder possibilities, then concentrate on the keys as she pecked out some prose verse. When we talked with her, she was wrapping up a fittingly themed poem for the venue about radishes.

We took her up on her offer as well, getting a very touching poem about the PhinneyWood Kid sharing a tricycle ride with his teddy bear.

Clark, who has a background in education and writing, was accepting donations of any amount to help defray her moving expenses to Seattle from Rhode Island. You might see her at other local markets. If you’re interested in getting a poem in the meantime, you can contact her at moineau at

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