Boys and Girls Club to receive neighborhood grant

by | Aug 27, 2009

The North Seattle Boys & Girls Club in Greenwood is receiving an $80,000 neighborhood grant from Mayor Greg Nickels at 11 a.m. on Saturday.
The club applied to the Neighborhood Matching Funds for Large Projects for a new car-free entry and community plaza.

The project aims to create a gathering space for neighbors of all ages and backgrounds to connect and a process in which they can participate directly in planning, design & implementation. In anticipation of this project which will kickoff this fall, the design & engineering process for the Neighborhood Street Fund sidewalk project reconfigured the street so that when the new entry and plaza is developed, they will work perfectly together. Service vehicles, club vans and other limited vehicular circulation is now via the alley just west of the club. The new curbs and sidewalks along Fremont Ave provide ample on-street parking with several short term spots just south of the corner of N 87th St.So please join us on August 29th at 11am for the festivities that will include neighborhood food, beverages and good company. We’re very proud and excited about the award and would love it if you could make it to the event.

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