Raised Voices raise funds for Haitian school

by | Jun 16, 2009

The 70-member Phinney Community Chorus performed a concert of world music to an overflow crowd Sunday night at the United Methodist Church, raising more than $8,500 to support a school in Haiti, member Mike Veitenhans tells us:

The concert, an annual June event, celebrated the ten-year anniversary of the chorus and raised money for Lekol Pa Nou (Our School), a primary school in the remote village of Pichon, Haiti. The chorus began supporting the school through the non-profit organization Education for Prosperity Program six years ago. “The Phinney Neighborhood Association helped us get started and continue to be supportive,” explains chorus director Maggie McClellan, “and now we are making an effort to reach out and support others who need a hand. Thanks to the caring and generosity of our community, we raised $7,000 for the school last year and over $8,500 this year!” If you missed Sunday’s concert, you can hear the chorus perform at the Phinney Neighborhood Center’s “purchase party” June 28.

For more information about the chorus, click here.

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