Pie Joust splatter-fest at Sully’s

by | Apr 2, 2009

Here are some pictures from the annual April Fools Day pie joust outside of Sully’s Snowgoose Saloon on Phinney Avenue.

Competitors, many dressed in unusual costumes, faced off on fat tire bikes. The weapons of choice – paper plates covered with whipped cream. Some costumes were a little more, um, creative, than others…

A sizable crowd looked on.

Some used the “less is more” approach to making it easy to clean up. 

It looked pretty physical.

A competitor steadies her pie before her final joust.


Moments later, she gets clocked on the side of the head.

Here’s a shot of the runner-up. I’d have gotten one of the winner, but Milhouse made the better picture in easygoing defeat.

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