Arrested Development trivia at Neptune Friday

by | Apr 23, 2009

Neptune Coffee’s trivia nights are becoming quite popular. Last week’s “Buffy” trivia was a fundraiser for the non-profit writing program 826 Seattle (right across the street from Neptune inside Greenwood Space Travel):

I worked behind the counter tonight, and we had an amazing crowd–about 110 by our count. Fans were lined along the walls, sitting on the floor and wedged in anywhichwhere. More trivia-ists wanted in, but we literally couldn’t fit any more people into the cafe! 826, as always a worthy cause, hopefully made a bundle, and a few lucky teams walked out with some rad swag from Dreamstrands.
Sarra at Neptune

This Friday night’s trivia theme is “Arrested Development.” The fun starts at 8 p.m. Next Friday, May 1, it’s “Family Guy.”

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