Here’s something I missed from last week, when the governor released her report to streamline state government to save money: Greenwood is one of the 25 Department of Licensing offices that will close around the state. That will leave just 41 DOL offices statewide.
The closures will happen in waves beginning next month and ending in April 2010. The Greenwood DOL is slated to close sometime between March and May of this year. The state estimates the closures will save $2.6 million in the 2009-2011 biennium, and $2.9 million in subsequent budget periods.
The state plans to expand hours at regional service centers (including West Seattle and Lynnwood), and install self-service kiosks in the affected communities. The kiosks would be installed in the remaining driver licensing offices, county auditor offices, and businesses that act as sub-agents, such as grocery stores.
After the closure, the nearest licensing office would be Shoreline, but it is a limited service office that doesn’t offer driving tests or knowledge tests. The nearest full service license office would be Bothell.
You can read the full report here. And please post your thoughts on how/whether this will affect you and your neighbors in comments below.