The expansion of Greenwood Park at 602 N. 87th St. is becoming more of a reality with the formation of a new group – VisionGreenwood Park (VGP).
Loretta Vosk tells us that the expanson could include four properties just east of the park on Fremont Avenue. The two properties at the ends have been purchased by the Parks Department, and the two in the middle are on Parks’ “wish list” but remain privately owned. VGP is applying for a Seattle Dept. of Neighborhoods Small and Simple Award to fund the hiring of a landscape architect, who will hold community meetings for input and help develop a plan.
This is the lot on the northeast corner of the park:
And this is the lot on the southeast corner:
VisionGreenwood Park’s steering committee includes representatives from Friends of Greenwood Park, the Greenwood Senior Center, the Greenwood Community Council, the North Seattle Boys and Girls Club, GAIN North, and a number of other interested individuals.
If you’re interested in joining VGP or volunteering with outreach, fundraising or anything else, contact Ronni Wolfe. Each hour pledged by a volunteer counts as $15 towards the group’s sweat equity match.
A Yahoo group has been created so that people can stay informed: