Registration for North Central Little League (NCLL) is open until Jan. 31. The league’s boundaries are from the Ship Canal north to 90th St., west to 8th Ave. NW, and east to I‐5.
You can register online at or in person at the Phinney Neighborhood Center at 6532 Phinney Ave. N. on Sat., Jan. 24, from 11 a.m.‐3 p.m.
The ages/divisions are: T‐Ball (ages 5‐6); Coach Pitch (ages7‐8); 9ers (age 9); Majors/Minors (ages 10‐12); Juniors/Seniors (ages 13‐16); and Girls’ Fast‐Pitch Softball.
NCLL is also looking for a handful of new sponsors. If interested, contact Scot.