Effort started to restore zoo mural

by | Oct 4, 2008

Lise Ward, a neighborhood organizer who coordinated the 1994 painting of the zoo mural at the 57th Street underpass, is recruiting people to help restore and improve the community fixture.

She’s posted signs at the mural asking people to volunteer to repair water damage, restore the art and add some new designs.

Now that the mural has been liberated from the gray paint that covered it, I am teaming up with Irene Wall and Greg Zuhl to create a neighborhood project to repair water damage to the concrete, preserve most of the existing images, and add some new figures to the piece via a community painting event.  We want to involve teenagers in leadership positions, and so what you saw was me reaching out to them from the walls themselves.The project is still in its infancy, but the framework should be in place very soon.

Recently, taggers again left their mark on the mural and Ward’s signs are reaching out to them to help.

Taggers: We are looking for a teen crew for this project. Write or call me if you want to join or have an idea. Don’t need to know your name. I do ask that you RESPECT this piece.

Lise can be contacted at (206) 362-8731.

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