ADHD “The Basics” : Parenting Kids with ADHD/Executive Function Challenges
January 31, 2024 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
ADHD “The Basics” : Parenting Kids with ADHD/Executive Function Challenges
Understand the Social & Emotional Impact of ADHD/Executive Function Challenges on Learning, Motivation, Behavior, & the Family System
You will learn:
Why learning, motivation, and behavior can be SO tricky for children/teens with ADHD and Executive Function challenges?
What makes following directions and consistency of behavior so challenging?
Why do concepts like organization and time management seem to be learned but not followed?
How do using rewards and punishments often create more problems than they solve?
Why attention and discipline alone are not enough to improve performance and compliance?
Join other families to build community & learn more about your child’s unique wiring.