Perfect Harmony Acupuncture
Nicole uses acupuncture and herbs to activate the body’s natural healing potential.Her passion is to guide her patients towards a more empowered state of physical, mental and spiritual well being.
At Perfect Harmony Acupuncture we tap into the simplicity and beauty of a 3000 year old medicine which uses the body’s natural healing potential to treat the root of the problem that has led to the pattern of discord or disease. We look at each person as an individual, figure out how their specific pattern(s) have developed, and create a unique treatment plan which involves Chinese herbs, nutritional and lifestyle advice so that they can live harmoniously. Our patients come to see us for a variety of reasons. We treat conditions such as: -acute and chronic pain -digestive disorders -insomnia -headaches (migraines, tension, etc.) -psycho-emotional issues (depression and anxiety) -peri/menopausal issues (hotflash, night sweats, anxiety, insomnia etc.) -menstrual issues (PMS, irregular menses, painful menses, heavy menses etc.) -gynecology (endometriosis, PCOS, cysts) -fertility -pregnancy and postpartum care We are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11-7 and Saturday from 9-1. Please visit our website for more information.