Winter Beer Taste this Saturday

by | Nov 10, 2009

One of the Phinney Neighborhood Association’s more highly anticipated social events of the year, the 22nd Annual Winter Beer Taste, is this Saturday from 7-10 p.m.

There’ll be 28 northwest micro-breweries in attendance and many will be pouring their new winter beers. You get up to 10 tastes, so choose wisely.

Tickets are $25 for PNA members, $30 for the general public. The designated driver option is $10. Tickets can be purchased at the PNA or ordered online (there is a small service fee for the convenience). The ticket price includes the 10 tastes, pub style snacks, a silent auction of beer-related items and live music.

(Tip for first-timers: While there are snacks, eat ahead of time – those winter beers can be potent.)

Meant to get to this sooner, but with all the craziness in the neighborhood, we’ve neglected writing about this event. Don’t know about you, but we’re certainly looking forward to being there.

[Photo credit: Phinney Neighborhood Association]

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