Ballard Acupuncture Center
Ballard Acupuncture Center is an award-winning Women’s Health acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine clinic. We give women the support and empowerment they need to be their best selves throughout every phase of their lives. Our clinic specializes in fertility, pregnancy, postpartum care, and peri/menopausal support.
We help women get pregnant when they are ready, either naturally or with the support of IVF. Through acupuncture treatments and Chinese herbs tailored to each woman’s needs, we support bodies and babies throughout the whole pregnancy.
During the postpartum period, we support women who feel overwhelmed, are experiencing depression or stress, or need help with milk production or mastitis. We also help women regulate their menstrual cycles during every stage of their lives to create and maintain balance, and to ensure a smooth transition into the menopause. No matter what phase you’re experiencing in life, we can help you begin your path to better health and promote the well-being of your body, mind, and spirit. Ballard Acupuncture Center has received the Seattle Award for Best Acupuncture Clinic in 2019 and 2020. We have also won the award for Best Seattle Acupuncturists of 2020 from Fresh Chalk.
Ballard Acupuncture Center
603 NW 65th St
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