In late March, when The Couth Buzzard suddenly announced its imminent closure, the community sprang into action with a GoFundMe to stave off a sad fate for this beloved community bookstore and meeting space. Since then, The Couth Buzzard steering committee – comprised of owner Theo Dzielak, patrons of the Couth, and local community leaders – has been meeting on most Mondays to strategize for the near and far future.
The committee has now scheduled their first public meeting to update the neighborhood on the future of the space: Monday, October 9th from 7 to 9pm at the Couth Buzzard. Theo and the steering committee will share what they have been discussing, learning and thinking about, and they want to hear your ideas.
The promise of the GoFundMe campaign was to devise a sustainable path forward for the Couth. As with the fundraiser, it can’t happen without you, and the committee is in need of your help to fulfill that goal.
This will be a hybrid live and zoom meeting. To participate online, send a request to [email protected] and you will be emailed credentials. Otherwise, just show up!