Emerald City Supper Club is a 501(c)3 charitable organization with the mission of bringing members of the community together to raise awareness of, funds for, and a glass to nonprofits in the Greater Seattle area. Their vision is to build a large, inclusive giving community that is unique in it’s format, thereby attracting a new generation of philanthropists.
Since 2019, they have hosted an annual dinner for 100 people at the Greenwood Masonic Lodge. Prior to the dinner, those who have signed up, nominate local nonprofits to be in the running for the $10,000 Greater Good Award. At the dinner, Supper Clubbers vote on the winner of the award. This year’s supper will be on Saturday, September 9th from 6:30 – 9:30pm. Learn more and buy tickets here.
Everyone brings $100 to the event (dinner and open bar) to go towards the award, giving folks the opportunity to be a small part of something rather big. Tickets are only $20, in an effort to keep this community event accessible and inclusive to all.
This year marks the 5-year anniversary, which means ECSC has given $50,000 to the community. Past winners have been: RealRent Duwamish, Neighborhood House, Washington Bus and Project Feast.