Author of The Art of Being offering workshops this weekend

by | Oct 31, 2022

Dennis Merritt Jones, who released the eventual best-selling book The Art of Abundance ~ Ten Rules for a Prosperous Life in 2018, is coming to Seattle to give a series of workshops this weekend in the neighborhood.

Join Dennis for an experiential workshop based on this best-selling book, and “explore the benefits of mindfulness and the role it plays in every aspect of your life. Bring a friend and learn how to practice the power of Presence.”

The Center For Spiritual Living on 63rd and Linden is hosting Dennis on Saturday Nov. 5th and Sunday November 6th. He is offering two workshops and will be the featured speaker at their Sunday 9AM and 11AM services as well.

Practicing the Power of Presence: The Art of Being
Saturday, Nov 5, 12:30-3:30pm
Speaker: Dennis Merritt Jones
Location: CSL Sanctuary
Tickets: $35 in advance; $45 day-of

The Art of Abundance
Sunday, Nov 6, 1-3pm
Facilitator: Dennis Merritt Jones
Location: Sanctuary and Livestream
Tickets: $25; Free to those who make a pledge to CSL Seattle for 2023 

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