Calling all 3rd, 4th or 5th grade girls. Now more than ever, girls need the social and emotional skill-building lessons of Girls on the Run. Social isolation and stressors related to the COVID-19 pandemic may be affecting your girl more than you know. While there may be some uncertainty around what to expect for our school system this coming fall, Girls on the Run is prepared to adjust to meet the needs of our community.
The Phinney Neighborhood Association is excited to partner with Girls on the Run for the Fall Season! We will be hosting two teams on the Phinney Center campus, Sep 20-Nov 12, 2021 (one team on M/W 4-5:30pm and the other on T/Th 4-5:30PM). The season will culminate with a site-based end-of-season 5K celebration.
Teams fill quickly so do not delay—click here to register your girl today. Learn more about girl registration, the lottery period and cost/scholarships HERE. Through Girls on the Run, 3rd-5th grade girls meet as a small team to explore valuable lessons such as standing up for themselves and others, being a standbyer instead of a bystander, and practicing empathy, inclusion and acceptance
Over the 8-week program, your girl will meet with peers and coaches twice per week for research-based lessons that incorporate physical activity in a fun, engaging way. She will connect with girls, build healthy habits and stay physically active! To ensure the safety of girls and our trained volunteer coaches, our trusted curriculum has been modified to include physical distancing precautions and the ability to seamlessly transition to virtual programming, should the need arise due to COVID-19 risk or inclement weather. Please note: if a team must move to a virtual platform, the team will continue and no cancellations or refunds will occur.