Kick-off meeting for Aurora Reimagined Coalition this Monday

by | Mar 19, 2021

Community members are invited to help shape Aurora Avenue’s future by the Aurora Reimagined Coalition (ARC), with the Zoom kick-off meeting this upcoming Monday, March 22 at 7pm. “We look forward to seeing a broad range of people who want and need a safer and better Aurora Ave. that can serve Seattle and its neighborhoods in the 21st Century,” the organization stated in a recent email.

In the last 10 years 22 people have been killed in crashes on Aurora, most of who were pedestrians. The city and state are budgeting for a $2 million study later this year or in 2022 to address Aurora’s safety and to guide its future. The ARC’s goal is make the community’s voices, concerns, and ideas heard to help determine Aurora’s future – and most importantly to make sure that studies are turned into action.

The the Aurora Reimagined Coalition states that their interests are not only in safer streets, but the nature of the urban environment along the entire Aurora Corridor. They seek to “combine the voices of community councils; advocacy organizations; people of all ages from all walks of life with diverse economic, cultural, and language backgrounds; BIPOC and under-served communities; and business people and organizations.”

Kick-off meeting for ARC – Aurora Reimagined Coalition
Monday March 22 at 7:00 PM
How to Connect:

  • Click this link (You will be prompted to download the Zoom app if you haven’t already)
  • Type in your name and wait for a moderator to let you into the virtual meeting room.
  • Have your camera and microphone ready and working so everyone can see and hear one another
  • If you would like to dial in from a phone, use this phone number (253) 215-8782 and Meeting ID 881 5043 1673. Press *6 to mute and unmute.

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