PhinneyWould? – Responses – How are you getting creative this Valentine’s Day?

by | Feb 11, 2021

Photo: Valentine’s pink cider pack from Press Then Press

Last week we asked you…

How are you getting creative this Valentine’s Day?

As we posted yesterday, several spots around the neighborhood are offering specials for dinner, drinks, and dessert, as well as some wonderful gift options. And who could ever go wrong with some of the lovely flowers at Terra Bella?

We also got this fun suggestion:

“I’d love to bring back the window challenges we had at the beginning of quarantine if anyone else is game. Fill up our windows with hearts!!!” – Becky Y.

My family doesn’t normally celebrate Valentine’s Day to be honest. It does seem we need to find more excuses to do more right now though. So, this year we’re going to be taking part in a Valentine’s Day themed virtual magic show. It could be great. It could be terrible. At the very least it should be fun.

Love the responses! Keep them coming and be on the lookout for a new question next week!

Anything you would like to see answered, shoot us an email at tips@phinneywood!

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