King County Councilmembers Rod Dembowski and Jeanne Kohl-Welles and Shoreline City Councilmember Chris Roberts be in attendance for this second annual event. If there is anything that you want to know or discover about housing in North King County, you can ask expert councilmembers at this event.
Register here to attend. When you register you can also have a one-on-one with one or more with these North end nonprofits:
- DSHS Washington Connection Community Partnership
- Northeast Seattle Public Library
- QLaw Foundation of Washington
- Office of Housing Weatherization
- North Seattle Helpline
Join for a LGBTQ+ North end community exchange. Need a roommate, housing, food, plant starts, clothes, furniture? Learn your renter’s rights and the latest rights during COVID. If you want to make a difference with other North end queers and trans folks – join this event on August 29th from 10am to 2pm! Why?
- To Increase LGBTQ+ invisibility
- To Increase Northend LGBTQ+ community
- To Increase resource and access to LGBTQ+ friendly housing in the Northend
- To Advocate for LGBTQ+ impactful housing policies.
- To Learn about LGBTQ+ renters’ rights and organize for a better future