Going to the store not appealing? Sign up now for River Run Farm’s CSA to be delivered to your door

by | May 13, 2020

River Run Farm‘s Organic CSA runs for 23 weeks from June 10 – November 11, with a pick-up site right in Phinney (and several other Seattle neighborhoods) as well as home delivery options! Shares of conscientiously grown, fresh-from-the-farm produce are delivered weekly, to pick-up sites on Tuesdays or homes on Wednesdays.

The farmshare costs about $33 per weekly box of vegetables with payment plans available. Joining a farmshare means buying into a local, ecologically sound food system that promotes community health and soil health simultaneously. River Run Farm is excited to offer delicious produce and a process that is better for you, your family’s health, and our environment.

Visit https://www.riverrun.farm/whattoexpect for more info on the CSA and how to sign up.

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