Entries for Zoo Doo lottery now being accepted through March 1st

by | Feb 4, 2020

In a uniquely Seattle phenomenon, there are more people seeking composted animal feces than there is supply, and it needs to be distributed through a lottery system. Legendary in the Seattle gardening community, the Woodland Park Zoo offers this black gold known as “Zoo Doo” just twice a year.

Per their whimsical press release (entitled Spring Fecal Fest): “The sweet, aromatic Zoo Doo is composed of species feces contributed by a variety of the zoo’s non-primate herbivores, such as rhinos, hippos, giraffes, mountain goats, tapirs and more; it’s perfect for growing veggies and annuals.”

Online entries accepted: February 1–March 1
Pick-up dates take place: March 21–March 29
Enter the lottery here

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