Women’s World Cup semi-finals shows Tuesday at the PNA

by | Jul 1, 2019

The FIFA World Cup is down to the final 4 teams after USA Women’s soccer rudely took out host France 2-1 on Friday. Come watch the USA team take on England on Tuesday 7/2 at noon in the Phinney Center Brick Building Community Hall.  Brought to you by Seattle United.  Free to the public.  All USA games are showing in Community Hall. Check out the knock-out schedule here.

June 11: US 13-0 Thailand

June 16: US 3-0 Chile

June 20: US 2-0 Sweden

June 24: US 2-1 Spain

June 28 US 2-1 France

Semifinals July 2 @ 12pm – USA vs. England

Finals: July 7, TBA & TBD

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