In addition to the nearly 80 registered local garage sales, there are a number of interesting and useful parallel events happening on Saturday:
Shop: Peruse nearly 80 yard sales throughout the neighborhood, aided by an official printed or online interactive map. Check out the flea market in the Phinney Center’s lower parking lot and visit the tool sale at the PNA Tool Library.
Salvage: Donate to Goodwill and recycle electronics, household goods, textiles, and styrofoam at the Phinney Center.
Shred: Shred up to four boxes of paper with Seadrunar Recycling’s shredding truck from 9 am-1 pm.
Swap & adopt plants: Bring plants, pots, gardening books and tools to exchange, or pick up some new plants for free!
Sneak peek: PNA’s newest program- a Community Woodshop – is underway. Stop by for a free cup of coffee and a doughnut, see the space, and learn about all about it. (Located in the outbuilding at the north end of the Brick Building)