Donations now being accepted for Phinney Neighborhood Association annual auction

by | Mar 17, 2019

The PNA is looking for donations to our annual fundraising auction, which will be held at the Phinney Center on May 4 (tickets here). If you value the multitude of programs and events at the PNA, donating an item to the auction is a great way to give back. Also, many of our 300 attendees make a point to patronize businesses that support the PNA, so we like to think that donating to the auction is a win for everyone.

Here are just SOME of our ideas to get your creative juices flowing…

  • Gift certificates for restaurants, services and experiences
  • Special bottles of wine for the wine grab
  • Time at vacation homes (houseboat, cabin, hotel…)
  • Transferable airline miles
  • Behind-the-scenes tour of a special restaurant/brewery/winery
  • Theater or sporting event tickets
  • A customized portrait/picture from a local artist
  • A cooking class with a special theme

Think about your family and friends. Do you have or know anyone who has access to a boat, a cabin, a hotel, a restaurant, a vacation home, to create an experience that stands out? If you are a business owner, would you be open to donating a class or sending tickets or vouchers for that special service you offer?

You can submit a donation and/or read more about our donation guidelines at or contact us at [email protected] with questions or ideas.

Thank you for all of your generous support of this great community organization!

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